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Study Dramatically Illustrates the Overwhelming Effectiveness of and Satisfaction With Breast Reduction Surgery

Heavier Woman with Large Breasts

Breast reduction surgery is extremely effective in alleviating symptoms and problems associated with markedly enlarged breasts. This includes addressing neck, back, shoulder and breast pain, discomfort and pain while engaging in a wide array of physical activities, skin rashes and infections, problems trying to sleep lying down due their heavy weight on the chest, embarrassment due to their substantial size and difficulties finding clothes that are attractive, fitting and complimentary. In fact, the results from the surgery are so positive and profound that it is extremely rare for any patient to regret undergoing it. Many of my middle aged and older patients have shared with me that their biggest regret was that they waited so long to have their surgery – they should have pursued it years ago when they were much younger.

Placing this in an even more startling perspective, the satisfaction rate associated with undergoing breast reduction surgery is even higher than that associated with a breast augmentation, which is around 94%.

That’s quite remarkable!!

Several plastic surgery studies have broadly identified and documented this extremely positive sentiment associated with breast reduction surgery and its extensive beneficial effects. A just published study from the Dept. of Plastic Surgery at Ohio State University employed a far more precise standardized survey test to assess and quantify the satisfaction and well-being levels and their changes in women who had breast reduction surgery. Patients were asked to anonymously complete this comprehensive breast related survey both prior to their surgery and at six weeks postoperatively. This was then statistically analyzed, interpreted and conclusions formulated.

And the findings: dramatically and profoundly positive!

The level of satisfaction that women had regarding the appearance of their breasts increased from 19.8 (on a scale of 0 – 100) to a lofty 82.6. Self-confidence, confidence about one’s body and attractiveness improved from 40.5 before surgery to 83.5 postoperatively.

With regard to sex and sexual well-being, the satisfaction rate skyrocketed from 39.5 to 78.2. Included in this category were feelings of sexual confidence, attractiveness and sexiness naked.

Finally, in the category of physical well-being which relates to such issues as neck, back, shoulder and breast pain, the improvement went from 42.6 before surgery to 81.2 after. In my own breast reduction patients over more than 25 years, virtually all experienced either and complete or near total alleviation of their symptoms.

This plastic surgery study adds even more specifics to mountains of evidence (couldn’t resist the metaphor!) strongly supporting and illustrating the effectiveness of breast reduction surgery for those women unpleasantly afflicted with large breasts.

For more information on breast reduction or for any other plastic surgery procedure that I perform, please call my office at 480-451-3000.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona