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Exercising After a Breast Augmentation

A very common question that many women have who are considering a breast augmentation is what their exercise restrictions will be following surgery. They might have heard or read different and sometimes conflicting information and just want to know the proper routine. This is a subject that I discuss at length during your consultation.

There is no one correct answer for activity limitations and resumption but I will tell you what I have found over the years that works and does minimize your risks for significant problems such as bleeding that can result in the formation of a hematoma (collection of blood around the implant). The rare individual who develops this usually precipitated it by engaging in prohibited vigorous activities or consuming blood thinning agents such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen, naprosyn, Motrin® or Aleve® within 10 days of surgery or immediately afterwards.

It is important that you avoid any heavy lifting, straining, aerobics and sports for three weeks after your breast augmentation. This also pertains to any activity that would substantially increase your heart rate and/or blood pressure such as jogging or swimming. If as part of your work-out you do pectoralis muscle (chest wall muscle) strengthening, this should be avoided for at least 8 weeks after surgery.

You may initially find that you experience increased swelling, tightness or tenderness in one or both breasts following certain activities. Don’t worry. This is normal and will ultimately not be an issue after several months.

For more information on breast enlargement, breast implants or for any other plastic surgery procedure that I perform or to schedule a consultation with me, feel free to call my office at 480-451-3000.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona