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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation can be an excellent cosmetic surgical option for women desiring to enhance the size and appearance of their breasts. If you are interested in this popular procedure but want to know a bit more about it before scheduling a consultation, Dr. Steven H. Turkeltaub has answered several frequently asked questions about breast augmentation in order to help facilitate your research process.

Is breast augmentation the right procedure for me?
You may benefit from breast augmentation if one or more of the following apply:

A. You want to increase the size of your breasts.
B. You would like to have a more attractive, alluring figure in clothes particularly as relates to your breasts.
C. Your breasts are asymmetrical.
D. You have lost breast size and/or volume due to weight loss, pregnancy, breast feeding, etc. and would like to regain that lost volume and perhaps even more.
E. You have a minimal amount of breast drooping in addition to volume loss.

How do I choose the right breast implants?
A variety of factors need to be considered when selecting which breast implants may be right for you and this directly depends on your goals and desires. Considerations would include implant size, type, shape, projection and surface texture. All of this would be determined at the time of your consultation.

What are my incision options?
There are three incision location options for breast augmentation including in or near the crease at the bottom of your breast (inframammary), along the lower half of the areola (peri-areolar) and in the armpit (transaxillary). Each of these incision locations has advantages and disadvantages. For several reasons and with rare exception, Dr. Turkeltaub prefers the utility and substantial advantages of the inframammary incision.

How is the procedure performed?
Breast augmentation surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia administered by an anesthesiologist. Breast implants typically are inserted through an inframammary incision and placed behind the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular pocket). A very gentle and precise technique is employed in order to help facilitate obtaining the best outcome while at the same time helping to minimize postoperative discomfort and the risk for problems.

What is recovery like?
After breast augmentation, a form-fitting dressing is placed over your breasts and chest and left on for about two to three days. This dressing is then replaced with a special sports-type bra that is to be worn day and night for at least a week.

You may experience some mild to moderate discomfort during the first few days of recovery though this can generally be well managed with medication. Additionally, you will notice that your breasts initially appear swollen and perhaps larger than you were expecting but this swelling should subside over the course of several weeks.

Most patients are able to resume non-strenuous work and/or activities within five to seven days. You will need to refrain from heavy lifting and rigorous exercise for approximately three weeks. Exercises that specifically target the pectoralis major muscles should be avoided for about eight weeks.

What type of results can I expect?
Results will vary from individual to individual due to a multitude of factors. However, in order to provide yourself with the best probability of obtaining the outcome that you desire, you should be absolutely sure that the doctor that you choose is a Plastic Surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (though this is still not a guarantee). Reviewing his or her breast augmentation before-and-after photos from previous patients can provide you with a clearer idea of what you may be able to expect as an outcome and the general results that he/she obtains. If you are not impressed, then you should seek care from another board certified Plastic Surgeon.

Generally, 94% of women who underwent a breast augmentation are so satisfied with the results that they would make the same decision all over again.

For answers to more frequently asked questions about breast augmentation, check out our page on breast enlargement.

Contact Our Office
If you are interested in breast augmentation and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Turkeltaub, please contact us today.