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How Can I Reduce Discomfort After Breast Augmentation and Accelerate My Recuperation?

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For many reasons, breast augmentation remains among the top cosmetic procedures pursued by women. Though they are excited to be able to enjoy the long term results, some women are apprehensive about the initial postoperative discomfort that may be experienced. They might have even heard or read on social media sites personal stories of marked pain for a few days or even longer.

woman experiencing pain after her breast surgery-img-blog

This is generally fairly rare and not representative of typical results. With the evolution of surgical technique, the initial postoperative course for the present day breast augmentation, when performed correctly, can be pleasantly unremarkable with regard to discomfort. The considerable pain and tightness for several days that was typical 15 or more years ago has largely been replaced with just some initial tightness for most.

The following are some of the common ways to facilitate your recuperation and minimize discomfort.

1. Pain Medication

Whether you will require the use or prescription or over-the-counter medication following your breast augmentation will depend on the specifics of your augmentation and your pain tolerance. Some women experience little to no pain at all that is easily remedied with over-the-counter pain medication like TYLENOL®. This is most common for those who have their implants placed in front of the chest wall muscle. Others will feel more comfortable with prescribed pain medication to help alleviate discomfort. This is more commonly associated with those whose implants are placed behind the muscle.

Additionally, a muscle relaxant, such as Valium, can be quite helpful when the implants have been placed in the submuscular pocket. Typically, this may be needed for around two days.

2. Proper Support

Appropriate and quality “post-surgical” and correctly fitting sports bras can help to provide comfort, support, swelling, and even “anxiety” control while also possibly helping to reduce strain on your incisions. Long term, a supportive bra will help maintain the quality of your results.

3. Light Stretches

Mild stretching can help to improve mobility and reduce discomfort and stiffness. Adhere to any instructions provided by your plastic surgeon. Over exertion and activities that are too vigorous or repetitive can cause significant and undesirable issues, including bleeding and fluid accumulation.

4. Breast Implant Massages

Breast implant “massage” can accelerate your recuperation and may even increase the chances that your breasts will remain soft long-term. Make sure that your surgeon approves of this, and, if so, follow their recommendations as regards the method and frequency.

5. Sleeping on Your Back

Early on following surgery, sleeping on your back or slightly on either side can help promote proper healing, minimize the stress on your incisions, lower the risk of thicker or wider scars, and reduce postoperative discomfort.

Want to Learn More?

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation recovery or are interested in scheduling a consultation, please contact Dr. Turkeltaub at (480) 451-3000 or fill out our online contact form.