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Everything You Need to Know About Inverted Nipple Treatment

The incidence of inverted nipples is relatively common, affecting countless women. Though many are not significantly bothered by them, others experience substantial feelings of insecurity, embarrassment and inadequacy.

Woman wearing white button up shirt holds her breasts

Fortunately for these women, correcting their inverted nipples can be effectively treated with relatively minor plastic surgery. This procedure is quick and “simple,” providing satisfying results when done by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon.

The following are some frequently asked questions regarding inverted nipples and their treatment.

Inverted Nipple Correction FAQs

What Causes Inverted Nipples?

Inverted nipples are typically caused by shortened ducts and ligaments that prevent the nipple from projecting correctly. This can be congenital or the result of breastfeeding, injury or breast surgery. It can also occur due to underlying breast cancer.

What Is Inverted Nipple Treatment?

Inverted nipple correction surgery is a simple cosmetic procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia unless combined with another breast enhancement surgery, like a breast augmentation, lift, revision or reduction.

Incisions are placed inconspicuously at the base of the nipple to allow access for the release of the tissues restraining the nipple projection. The nipple is then supported in this corrected position for a period using a small dressing.

This surgery is effective, quick and requires virtually no downtime.

If you are tired of hiding your inverted nipples and feeling insecure about your appearance, this in-office treatment can help you restore your confidence and help you feel whole.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

In most cases, inverted nipple correction surgery is a quick procedure that takes around 30 minutes to complete. You are also given thorough postoperative instructions, including guidelines.

Is Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery Painful?

Once the local anesthesia is successfully injected, you should feel no pain or discomfort during the procedure. A dressing is placed, and then you can be on your way.

Most patients have minimal to no discomfort following surgery.

How Long Is the Recovery Period?

Aside from avoidance of certain activities for several weeks after this procedure, there is minimal downtime. Most women can return to work or school the same or next day.

You should wear the protective dressing that supports the nipple as instructed by Dr. Turkeltaub.

To minimize the risk of recurrence, compression of them must be avoided for eight weeks following the procedure.

Are the Results Permanent?

When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Turkeltaub and the patient faithfully follows the postoperative instructions, the risk of recurrence is close to zero.

Can I Combine My Inverted Nipple Treatment With Another Breast Surgery?

Depending on your specific needs, it’s possible to have your inverted nipples remedied at the same time as another procedure. Dr. Turkeltaub performs a wide range of cosmetic breast surgeries, including:

Interested in Inverted Nipple Treatments in Phoenix, AZ?

You shouldn’t have to go through life feeling insecure about your body. You have options to help you reach your aesthetic goals, increasing comfort and confidence.

Dr. Steven H. Turkeltaub is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery. He provides stunning results with compassion and care for his patients.

If you want to schedule a consultation, call us today at (480) 451-3000 or fill out our online contact form.