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Undergoing Breast Augmentation Surgery Doesn’t Have to be a Very Unpleasant Experience

It seems that there are still misconceptions regarding the presence and magnitude of pain and discomfort following breast augmentation surgery. Many women believe that considerable pain is inherent to the procedure – unavoidable, natural and expected. This belief has actually caused some women to delay or abandon their dreams of acquiring larger, more voluptuous breasts.

The reality is that breast augmentation surgery does not have to be a very painful procedure. It is the surgical skills and techniques employed by the plastic surgeon which are of primary importance in affecting the presence and extent of pain postoperatively. When performed proficiently, expect the level of discomfort initially to be of a mild to moderate nature which then usually subsides fairly quickly.

Of course, there are always the outliers. These are the patients who, for example, must take a week off from work due to the “debilitating” pain of an ingrown fingernail or need the following day off due to a brain freeze caused by gluttonously devouring chocolate ice cream earlier in the day.

Immediately following their breast augmentation, a majority of my patients experience only a mild to moderate amount of discomfort which is usually well controlled with their prescribed medication. In fact, many take little or no narcotic pain medication after 24 hours and are already engaging in some more normal but non-strenuous activities. I believe that the relatively atraumatic techniques that I use in surgery along with an effective postoperative regimen are paramount in helping to minimize my patients’ discomfort.

In the video below, a recent patient of mine who just had a breast augmentation 24 hours earlier, candidly shares her experiences and thoughts including her level of comfort.


If you are strongly considering pursuing breast enlargement surgery and are very apprehensive about the associated pain, hopefully this information will help to ease your mind.

For more information on a breast augmentation or on any other plastic surgery procedure or to schedule your complimentary consultation, please call my office at 480-451-3000.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona