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What Is Breast Augmentation-Mastopexy (BAM)?

A breast augmentation-mastopexy (BAM) is a combination procedure designed not only to increase the volume of droopy breasts but also to rejuvenate them by enhancing their shape and lifting them to higher, more natural position on the chest wall. Also referred to as breast augmentation with a lift, breast lift with implants or a mastopexy with implants, this popular breast enhancement technique is a great surgical solution for many women who have experienced volume deflation and breast drooping as a result of pregnancy, weight fluctuations or simply the natural process of aging. It is also an excellent option for women who want to increase their breast size but have too much excess skin for an ideal outcome to be attained with implants alone.

The breast augmentation-mastopexy procedure is generally performed as a single-stage operation during which breast implants are placed, excess skin is removed, breast tissue reconfigured and lifted and the nipple-areolar complexes resized and repositioned. The ultimate outcome of this procedure typically is larger, more shapely and perkier breasts that are more attractive and youthful appearing.

For more in-depth information about this breast enhancement procedure, please check out Dr. Turkeltaub’s full page dedicated to breast augmentation with a lift. If you have any additional questions, or if you are interested in scheduling a consultation to find out if this treatment may be right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact the Arizona Center for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery online or by phone today.