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Big Outcomes Can Be Obtained Even With Small Breast Reductions

Women who have undergone a breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty) are truly the happiest of all plastic surgery patients. They can be ecstatic with outcomes that do not approach perfection – unlike many patients who have had other types of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures.

And there is definitely a good reason for this.

Women with very large or disproportionately sized breasts are so tired of the chronic, annoying and burdensome issues that are associated with them including:

1. Neck, back and shoulder pains
2. Grooving of the shoulders due to the bra straps digging into the skin
3. Painful arthritis of the neck or back
4. Headaches
5. Rashes and skin breakdown from chafing that is compounded by heat and humidity
6. Increased effort needed in breathing
7. Difficulty sleeping laying down due to the heavy weight of the breasts on the chest also making breathing difficult
8. Discomfort and outright pain when engaging in myriad physical activities
9. Avoidance of a variety of physical activities because of pain and other issues related to large breasts
10. Embarrassment
11. Unwanted attention/comments
12. Inability to find bras that fit or the need to have expensive, custom made bras
13. Difficulty in finding clothes that fit or clothes that fit that don’t look like they came from Home Depot

It does not take a very large breast reduction in order to experience a marked improvement or resolution of one’s symptoms. Of course, removing four or more pounds per breast can be dramatic and even life altering. However, in some more petite women, reducing each side by less than a pound can have the same degree of positive effect.

Illustrating this is a 19 year old patient of mine who despite being only a 34D was experiencing a multitude of symptoms related to her large breast size (photos A, C and E). She underwent a breast reduction that involved removing less than 12 ounces per side (photos B, D and F). The results of this small reduction mammoplasty were the complete alleviation of her symptoms and the ability to work out and engage in sport without any discomfort at all.

A) Before breast reduction

A) Before breast reduction

B) After breast reduction

B) After breast reduction

C) before

C) before

D) after

D) after

E) before

E) before

F) after

F) after

For more information on breast reduction surgery or for any other plastic surgery procedure that I perform or to schedule your consultation, please call my office at 480-451-3000.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona