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Can Gynecomastia Return After Surgery?

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Gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of breasts in men leading to a more feminine appearance, can significantly affect self-esteem and cause considerable embarrassment. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery offers ment a transformative solution, improving confidence, appearance and quality of life.

A common question that many men who are considering male breast reduction surgery have is whether this condition can return. In this blog, we will explore the permanency of gynecomastia surgery, how lifestyle factors can influence long-term results and steps that can be taken to minimize the chances of recurrence.

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Permanent?

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is designed to remove excess breast tissue and/or fat, resulting in a flatter, more masculine chest. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon will precisely and effectively remove the offending tissue(s) causing the gynecomastia. Once these tissues are removed, they do not regenerate. Therefore, in most cases, gynecomastia surgery provides long-lasting results.

However, it is essential to understand that gynecomastia surgery does not prevent the enlargement of fat or residual breast tissue. While the procedure addresses existing tissue, certain factors can lead to recurrence.

Can Gynecomastia Return?

Although very uncommon after appropriate treatment, there can be recurrence of gynecomastia. There are several factors or causes that can lead to this, including:

Steps to Minimize the Risk of Recurrence

While the risk of gynecomastia returning is low, there are steps you can take to maintain your results and minimize the chances of recurrence:

The Psychological and Physical Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

Beyond its physical impact, gynecomastia can take a toll on mental health, leading to feelings of embarrassment, low self-esteem and social anxiety. Male breast reduction surgery often leads to renewed confidence, improved posture, increased willingness to participate in physical activities and a renewed sense of masculinity.

Seeking Treatment for Your Gynecomastia in Phoenix, Scottsdale and the Surrounding Areas

If you have gynecomastia and are quite bothered by it, you should consider having a consultation with a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in male breast reduction surgery.

Dr. Steven H. Turkeltaub is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has over 35 years of helping patients in Phoenix, Scottsdale, across Arizona and elsewhere. Dr. Turkeltaub is renowned for his skill and experience in breast surgeries, including male breast reduction. He offers compassionate, highly skilled care to every patient.

If you’re considering gynecomastia surgery, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Turkeltaub either by calling (480) 451-3000 or by completing our online contact form today.