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Will I Need a Breast Lift After Weight Loss?
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If you are like many women out there, you have a couple of pounds, if not more, that you would not mind losing. These pounds may be the result of the holiday season, or they may have accumulated over a period of time.

A woman imitating the results of a breast lift.
With a new year and new decade upon us, there are likely a few of us hoping to lose some if not all of that excess weight. Unfortunately, even if you are successful in your resolution, you can’t truly choose where the weight loss comes from.
To the dismay of many women, the breasts are often the first place that is significantly impacted by weight loss––leading to a reduction in size and a decrease in skin quality and elasticity. With substantial weight loss, this can result in breast drooping, also known as ptosis. At some point in this process, changes are irreversible meaning that the loose breast skin and sagging breasts can only be addressed with a breast lift.
Why Do My Breasts Sag?
When you lose weight, the reduction in breast volume along with effects on connective tissue and structural support lead to the development of a deflated look––like air that has been let out of a balloon. Rapid weight loss can exacerbate this problem, particularly when the collagen and elastic fibers in the breast tissue are already compromised.
Once the breasts start to sag, they will likely only get worse––aided by gravity, aging, medical state, and other factors.
Can Breast Lift Surgery Help My Sagging Breasts?
Breast lift surgery, whether alone or in combination with a breast augmentation, can address any level of sagging breasts. By removing excess skin and compacting, contouring and repositioning the remaining tissue, the results can be perky, more youthful appearing breasts that are slightly smaller in size. Depending on a variety of factors, this can even translate into a cup size smaller.
A breast lift can be combined with a breast augmentation to yield larger, firmer, and perkier breasts. If one’s breasts are already too large and you want them to be smaller, then a breast reduction would accomplish this with the lift being an intrinsic part of the reduction procedure.
How Does Breast Lift Surgery Differ From Other Breast Surgeries?
Breast lift surgery is one of the many breast enhancement surgeries offered. While a breast lift is commonly combined with an additional breast procedure, such as breast augmentation or breast reduction, it can be performed on its own to enhance breast contour and shape.
Breast lift surgery tightens and elevates the breasts by tightening the underlying connective tissues and trimming away the excess skin that contributes to the laxity.
This is different from breast augmentation because augmentation adds volume to the breasts through implants and different from breast reduction because reduction removes excess breast tissue and glandular fat.
Will a Breast Lift Always Be Required After Weight Loss?
Not every woman who experiences weight loss will require a breast lift. The more extensive the weight loss is, the higher the likelihood that some sort of breast lift would be needed to rejuvenate their appearance.
Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether or not the extent of drooping of your breasts has exceeded the limits of your tolerance of their condition. If so, then you should strongly consider pursuing a breast lift.
Are You Interested in Learning More?
If you have lost weight and feel like you would benefit from a breast lift, contact Dr. Turkeltaub by calling (480) 451-3000 or by filling out our online contact form.Â
Dr. Turkeltaub performs breast enhancement surgery in Scottsdale, Arizona.