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What Is Breast Implant Malposition?

The vast majority of patients who have had a breast augmentation are very happy with their results. However, like any surgical procedure, there are certain risks and untoward outcomes that can occur no matter how uncommon. For breast augmentation, one of these such risks is breast implant malposition. Its presence can have a noticeable and negative impact on the appearance of one’s breasts.

Fortunately, breast implant malposition can usually be effectively treated with breast revision surgery.

Breast Revision Before and After Photos

Identifying Breast Implant Malposition

If your breast implants are malpositioned, it means that the implants are not situated where they should be in either one or both of your breasts. They can be too high, too low, too close to each other, too far apart, or in an otherwise unnatural position. Consequently, the breasts may appear quite asymmetrical or strikingly abnormal. This situation can be particularly bad if the implants are malpositioned in different directions, such as if one implant is too low and the other is too high.

The Causes of Malpositioned Breast Implants

There are several causes that can lead to breast implant malposition. Pre-existing anatomic asymmetries, whether or not they were considered in the breast augmentation surgical plan, is a common one. Other common causes include inappropriate selection of implants, capsular contracture, poor tissue characteristics, trauma and suboptimal surgical technique during the initial placement process.

Preventing Breast Implant Malposition

The risk of breast implant malposition may be reduced by being more prudent in your choice of breast implants and discriminating in the selection of your plastic surgeon. Other common causes include inappropriate selection of implants, capsular contracture, poor tissue characteristics, trauma and suboptimal surgical technique during the initial placement process.

When selecting a surgeon, patients should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing breast augmentation. A surgeon who is also skilled and experienced in performing breast revision surgery should be a strong contender because you will know that this surgeon can help you in the event of an unexpected surgical complication. It is best to review in detail the surgeon’s before and after pictures and to ask pointed questions about their rate of surgical complications (specifically, breast implant malposition). By carefully choosing a breast augmentation surgeon who demonstrates superior skill in surgical technique, your likelihood of experiencing complications is lower.

Correction With Breast Revision Surgery

Dr. Turkeltaub can perform breast revision surgery to correct implant malposition and allow you to obtain more desirable and attractive breasts. During the procedure, he will surgically adjust the breast pocket or create a new one to improve the implant position and provide you with a superior result. If indicated or desired, different implants can be used.

With great attention to detail and persistence, Dr. Turkeltaub will carefully consider your anatomic realities, preferences, and any other relevant factors so as to maximize the probability that the results for you are pleasing and symmetrical.

Dr. Steven Turkeltaub is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over a 29-year history of performing cosmetic breast surgery in Scottsdale and Phoenix metropolitan area. To request your personal consultation with Dr. Turkeltaub for breast augmentation or breast revision surgery, please call (480) 451-3000 or fill out our online contact form today.